“Be the change you want to see in the world.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
Eliza Mozer, a 13-year-old daughter of Karen and Jordon Mozer, sets a shining example of how young people can bring change to help those in far away lands. Last year, with the support of religious school leader Heidi Kon, Eliza’s synagogue, Chicago Sinai Congregation, was able to raise funds in the amount of $5,000 to benefit the ACDA.
In early September, Eliza had a Bat Mitzvah (a Jewish coming of age ceremony). As a “Mitzvah Project” (a charitable activity), Eliza chose to raise money for the ACDA’s Pongborong Primary School in Southern Sudan, which has an enrollment of over 800 students from grades 1-7. Every $15 buys a school uniform for a child, and every $30 buys a desk for a child that now studies at a dirt mound.
While Eliza wanted to be more helpful beyond just raising money, she has so far raised over $1,000 for the school. Eliza’s family will also host a fundraiser at their home in late September for invited guests. A friend and associate of theirs will prepare Sudanese cuisine and several members of ACDA will deliver a presentation, share their personal experiences and respond to questions from invited guests. Among those speaking will be Peter Magai Bul, ACDA’s President, and Maketh Bul Mabior, Duot Angok Aguer, John Deng Ayiel, John Mading Dut, and Deng Akoi Jurkuch. These young men are among the “Lost Boys of Sudan” who, as children, walked thousands of miles to escape the violence of Sudan’s civil war.
Sudan has long been in a state of turmoil, with a civil war that has killed over 2 million people and displaced over 4 million from Southern Sudan, and a genocide that has killed about 300,000 and displaced roughly 2.5 million in Darfur.
If you would like to support Eliza’s fundraising initiative, please consider making a donation by sending your check made payable to:
Ayual Community Development Association
In the memo line write
"Eliza Mozer Fundraiser for PPS"
Send your donation to:
Ayual Community Development Association
5703 Finbourough Court
Richmond, VA 23228
Or visit ACDA's website to donate by credit card and or also on Eliza Mozer’s web site.
Donations are tax deductible.
For more information, please contact Karen or Eliza Mozer at kmozer@rcn.com and emozer@rcn.com