Pongborong Primary School now has 6 permanent structure classrooms! This is a wonderful upgrade from the previous huts made of grasses and mud, which needed to be rebuilt every two years. A team of ACDA members, including Jim Thompson, Peter Barach Kuany and Peter Magai Bul, traveled to the Ayual Community to negotiate and sign the contract for the construction of additional classrooms. Sudan's Jongulei-based Rhino Star Company just finished construction this month.
Funding of the scho
ol construction was made possible by ACDA donors, members and Messiah Lutheran Church of Omaha in Nebraska. The team also took and distributed soccer uniforms, footballs, shoes, t-shirts, dictionaries, books and other supplies. Chicago’s Eliza Mozer’s fundraising campaign raised enough money for school uniforms for 400 students. The teacher’s uniforms were provided by Dana College of Nebraska.
We’re thrilled to see all the hard work and generosity of donors resulting in improved facilities an
d a better educational experience for the teachers and youth of the Ayual Community.
It is nice to see the walls up! I walked through that building last summer before it was completed!
Let me lately take this chance to appreciate everyone who has gallantly played a tremendous role in ensuring that Pongborong Primary School exist. It could have not been posible if you didn't hold your hands TOGETHER in building it. There are several South Sudanese lost boys who are currently in abroad (Canada, U.S.A & Australia) but what assistance have they done so far to their people back at home? That's a clear indication that they aren't ready to help their communities but for their own glorifications which i'm personally not seeing in you.
I therefore wanna demystify it by saying "we cake lëëc wedhie ne luoi-dit cäke looi".
There is no appriopriate word to express my heartfelt gratitude for what you have done but God himself will remunerate it with blessings from the above.
Keep the fire burning and i'm pretty sure that Pongborong Pri. School isn't going to be the last but just a begining. It's my sincere dream and prayers to see several establishments such as hospitals, infrastructure, advance learning, etc not only in Pongborong but in other places like Aliet among the other Ayual places.
It's because of some retardiants who drag us to our knees and i'm perfectly sure that, by the present time. Pongborong could have been lighted-up if it wasn't because of few obstacles we encountered.
Nhialic abi we dhit ne run juiec bake wut leer tueng.
Let me lately take this chance to appreciate everyone who has gallantly played a tremendous role in ensuring that Pongborong Primary School exist. It could have not been posible if you didn't hold your hands TOGETHER in building it. There are several South Sudanese lost boys who are currently in abroad (Canada, U.S.A & Australia) but what assistance have they done so far to their people back at home? That's a clear indication that they aren't ready to help their communities but for their own glorifications which i'm personally not seeing in you.
I therefore wanna demystify it by saying "we cake lëëc wedhie ne luoi-dit cäke looi".
There is no appriopriate word to express my heartfelt gratitude for what you have done but God himself will remunerate it with blessings from the above.
Keep the fire burning and i'm pretty sure that Pongborong Pri. School isn't going to be the last but just a begining. It's my sincere dream and prayers to see several establishments such as hospitals, infrastructure, advance learning, etc not only in Pongborong but in other places like Aliet among the other Ayual places.
It's because of some retardiants who drag us to our knees and i'm perfectly sure that, by the present time. Pongborong could have been lighted-up if it wasn't because of few obstacles we encountered.
Nhialic abi we dhit ne run juiec bake wut leer tueng.
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